Sunday, September 19, 2010

A new year, a new studio

Year three is in full swing and I already have been working on three projects. I am really excited about this semester, and think that it will be a big change from what the last two years have been like. The biggest change to me is the freedom I have this semester. Studio has changed from group work and set instructions to a more self-paced dynamic. By making the projects more individually run it gives me more room to take the project where I want to. Residential design is being explored this semester through four different scales: bungalow, ranch, mcmansion, and high-rise. By looking at different dwellings it gives "an exploration of residential forms and spaces". Hopefully by the end of the semester I will mature as a designer and think more freely in the design process. I want to develop my skills in residential design so that i have a all-around knowledge base.

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